Sunday, October 21, 2012

American West Heritage Center

Halloween is our favorite time of year!  This year, thanks to Jonathan's hefty "donation" to his realtor association, we were able to go to American West Heritage Center for free.  It was so FUN.

I don't know how Halloween is done anywhere else.  Where we live, we don't just have corn mazes...we have theme parks.  There are two Halloween-themed destinations right across the highway from each other near where we live. 

The AWHC is a huge park that is dedicated to showing what life was like "back in the day."  Being fanatics of oldness, we were in heaven.  They have live animals cruising around (with live smells to sweeten the deal), replicated pioneer buildings, and plenty of old farm equipment.  They also do Baby Animal Days in the spring, which is super popular.

We started with the train ride, then the pony ride.  After that it was on to the hay mazes, spider net crawly thingy, and the hay jump.  While there, my daughter saw a kid throw a handful of straw in the air and she got so excited.  She looked at me like "We're allowed to do that?"  You know that moment when your otherwise normal child suddenly switches over in CRAZY kid mode?  That was it.  She started kicking up straw and throwing it by the armful.  I immediately saw where this was leading and I got her out of there.  That, and there were kids jumping off the spider net from above and I just knew she was going to get hit. Even with my fast acting I still spent the next few minutes pulling straw out of her hair.  Fun? Yeah.

We threw a tomahawk and launched some gourds.  Then we moved on to Kyla's favorite part: the giant slide.  The AWHC folks put down some huge plastic banners on a steep hill to create a slide.  It's a little bumpy in places, but a lot of fun.  My daughter, who is normally very cautious and picky about the slides she goes down, took off down this on her belly without any hesitation.  You have to take off your shoes though, which made hiking back to the top a little tricky.  It was worth it.

Overall, our experience was fantastic.  We would definitely go back again!
The Straw Maze

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Our Closet...

Redoing the closet in our bedroom is by far my favorite project to date.  I still stop to admire the end result and drool over the extra space!

For starters, this is not my closet...but it all began with this photo on Pinterest.  Of course.  I found what became and still is my favorite blog, Simple Organized Living.  The lady that runs this site had posted some pictures of her closet remodel that were so inspiring!
Everything was so organized!  Each item had the perfect amount of space required.I began to feel that my own closet had more potential and it was time to make it happen.

Do you see what I mean?  Tons of wasted space. After some discussion with the guy who would actually be doing the work, (always my husband, for future reference) we drew up some plans and got started. 

Being the paupers that we are, we salvaged what wood we could find in the shed and dug up a can or two of old paint. 
In the process...

 We got exactly what we wanted in the end.  Two short hang rods (I call the bottom one!), a long hang to share, plenty of shoe racks, an AMAZING, deep, tall shelf, and a tucked-away shelf that stretches across the top. All painted WHITE.
100,000 times better!

 The doors were the main expense.  We had to tap into our fiercely guarded Home Budget to pay for those.  So worth it though!
My grandma made this rug for me.  I love having old things from people I love!

The doorknobs were fun.  Jonathan's boss had a box full of assorted doorknobs and accessories he offered us.  We spent a few hours debating and decided on these.  Not like anything I've seen on Pinterest, but I love them.

Now all we need is a microwave and a soda fountain installed somewhere in there...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What Our House Once Was

Not a huge fan of the orange...or the snow.
Muuuuuch better.
 We never knew what our house looked like before we bought it.  All we knew was what we got on move in day.  Thanks to my husband's realtorness we have gotten our hands on some photos from the good ol' days.  All I can say is THANK YOU to the people who owned the house before us.  I am continually amazed at how much they did to improve this place before we came along.

The fridge sticking out like that would drive me mad.  I don't know what is in the ceiling above the stove--it's filled in now.

Oh my... this is our bathroom.  I think the tub is still the same. Is that green carpet?

What the trees?

Our bedroom before...

...and after

And we're only going to improve from now on...we hope.